custom made diamond rings & jewellery

Book a Design Appointment

020 7404 6374

Book an appointment

Design your Ring with Us

We at Icecool diamonds understand that when making such an important purchase, the personal touch is very important to our clients.

Creating your bespoke jewel or bespoke diamond engagement ring is an exciting and amazing experience that we, at Icecool Diamonds, feel cannot always be replicated with a ready-made ring.

To discuss a bespoke design, view diamonds or ideas, speak to our diamond jewellery consultant Nina, who is here to help and answer any questions. Perhaps you have seen something that has caught your eye and you’d like us to recreate a similar piece tailored to your needs.

To book a private consultation with Nina please call 020 7831 7648 or fill out the form and Nina will contact you directly to arrange a suitable date and time to meet with her.

Please feel free to upload any images/sketches that inspire you.

Book Jewellery Consultation

To book a private consultation with Nina please call 020 7831 7648 or fill in the form below and Nina will contact you directly to arrange a suitable date and time to meet with her. Please feel free to upload any images/sketches that inspire you.

Diamond Engagement Ring, Diamond Engagement Rings

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